Understanding Inflammation

Understanding Inflammation: Unveiling the Hidden Causes and Steps to Overcome Chronic Diseases Inflammation is a widely discussed topic in the field of medicine. It is believed to be linked to almost every chronic disease known to us, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, dementia, and even depression. The prevalence of other inflammatory diseases such […]
How many clinical diagnoses of autoimmune diseases

Disease United States Alopecia (hair loss) 6,700,000 Ankylosing spondylitis 3,200,000 Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 75,000 Asthma 26,000,000 Behcet’s disease 20,000 Celiac disease 3,000,000 Chronic fatigue syndrome 2,500,000 COVID long haul 23,000,000 Crohn’s disease 3,000,000 Delayed pressure urticaria 1,600,000 Diabetes 37,300,000 Dysautonomia 3,000,000 Eczema 31,600,000 Endometriosis 6,500,000 Erosive arthritis 9,000,000 Erythema nodosum 15,000 Fibromyalgia 4,000,000 Gastro-esophageal reflux […]
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is believed to be an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissues. The disease is more common and more severe in men. It often runs in families. Early symptoms include back pain and stiffness. These problems often start in late adolescence or […]
4 Stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Understanding the 4 Stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can progress through four distinct stages – Early, Moderate, Severe, and End-Stage. However, not all patients will experience all stages. Early detection and treatment with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes can slow the progression, reduce symptoms, increase the chances of remission, […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Lupus

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Lupus: Understanding the Differences Autoimmunity affects everyone differently, and when comparing RA and lupus, many wonder which is worse. Both are common autoimmune diseases, with an estimated 1.5 million Americans suffering from lupus. To understand the differences between the two, it’s important to grasp the fundamentals of each disease. While they share […]
Decode Stomach Gurgling

Decode Your Stomach Gurgling: Possible Digestive Issues and How to Address Them What Does Constant Stomach Gurgling Mean? When to See a Doctor Experiencing occasional stomach gurgling is common and can be attributed to several benign causes, such as eating quickly or hunger. However, if the symptom persists, it may indicate an underlying health issue […]
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Management Strategies Have you been struggling with walking or experiencing blurry vision and dizziness? While these symptoms can be attributed to various conditions, they are common indicators of multiple sclerosis (MS). In this article, we will provide comprehensive information on MS, including its causes, symptoms, and management strategies. What […]
Unraveling Mold Toxicity

Unraveling Mold Toxicity: How Gundry Health Takes a Holistic Approach to Treating Symptoms Exposure to mold can have serious health consequences and may leave you feeling uneasy. While it’s a common plotline on medical shows, it’s not something anyone wants to experience firsthand. Fortunately, identifying the symptoms of mold and toxic mold exposure can help […]

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Beat Brain Fog

Unlocking the Secrets to Clearer Thinking: How to Overcome Brain Fog Are you feeling unlike yourself and struggling to focus? Brain fog can affect your work, relationships, and overall stability. At Gundry Health, we believe that brain health is essential not only for mental capacity, but also for emotional well-being. Your thoughts and feelings are […]